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English National Rocket Run 2018

  Posté : 21-05-2018 10:58

J'ai enfin trouvé quelques renseignements sur le NRR2018 !
National Rocket Run 2018 is to be held on the 21st to 23rd September 2018
Baskerville Hall
Powys. HR3 5LE
see on :

The club has agreed to subsidise the rooms and breakfast this year instead of the evening meals for fully paid up members.
There are restaurant's and the availability of bar meals on site for all attendees.
So the discounted price for full members for accommodation & Breakfast is as follows:

Budget Rooms @ £24 pp/pn
Standard Rooms @ £36 pp/pn
Excecutive Rooms @ £46 pp/pn
Multishare Rooms 4-6 people sharing @ £20 pp/pn
Camping inc Breakfast Free

All Rooms !!!include!!! Breakfast
There is a £10 premium to pay on Single occupancy rooms per night
All non members will be required to pay £14 per night extra to the above figures.

The club has blocked all hotel rooms, so all reservations and payment will be made through the club.
We will require a deposit of £20 per person booking a room to confirm the booking.
(This has been requested by the hotel and non-refundable)
Deposit paid by Pay Pal to:
Please pay by friends & family and state room type reqd.

There is a limited number of rooms available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis
So please let me know you room choices either on here or by e-mail asap

Camping is free to full members but please let me know you are coming so you’re on the list for breakfasts

Club Chairman

I have a locked thread running with a attendee list make sure I have put you where you want to be. Thankyou

Read more:

DarkSide Inside

Message édité par : KildeRouge / 21-05-2018 11:49

Message édité par : KildeRouge / 21-05-2018 11:50

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